Friday, April 8, 2011

I saw it and it was good.

I really don't want to become one of those bloggers who do nothing but post links all the time. I wasnt my blog to be much more personal, but I can't help but share some of the awesomeness that I see all the time. I thought about calling this post "shamelessly ripped," and I might just start doing that in the future, since that's all it really is!

Speedy Caramel Pie via Charming Vintage Recipes. A blog that posts a mid-century recipe everyday. Some of them are indeed charming, some of them sound outright mouthwatering, like the caramel pie, and some...are downright gut-wrenching. Skip over those and try not to think about them!

The introduction of Kimbra, by the Blue Eyed Night Owl. This song makes me wanna...I don't know what. Put my hair in rollers, wear high heels and vaccuum? I watched it about 8 times the night that I saw it.

Coconut Vanilla Bean Cupcakes by Woodland Dreams. I see these in my future. What, you think I can't do caramel pie AND cupcakes at the same time? You don't know me very well.

The announcement of FREE SHIPPING NO MATTER WHAT from L. L. Bean. The one-time New Englander (and 8th generation New Englander Mother) in me has a soft spot for this company. That, and they are supremely high quality products. Taking a look now, and I had no idea they'd updated their catalog to be so chic! I'm making a shopping cart as we speak...

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I'm glad you like the song so much too:) And thank you so much for your comments!

    Those cupcakes really make my mouth water, would love to try them one day.
